About us
The brand
Alpha/ AYR by misfits for misfits,
AYR is the story of a young men that fought life, and kept fighting. (still are fighting) Lived through the darkest hours of life. Faced a lot of adversity and managed to win in the end. Growing up unity was important for me. One can even argue that these setbacks were the key to my success. The other one was faith, faith that this (the pain) was only an phase and that greatness was destined to meet me half way if we kept working an believing. AYR stands for ‘Alpha Young Royalty’. ‘Alpha’ as we want to lead and influence.
’Young’ because of the hunger to work for our own and never expect any handouts, if it’s not from God, ‘Royalty’ in spirit for we’re all kings and Queens of our minds, souls and body’s. We hope to shape an fruitful way of life. Threw our garments we want to create a lane. A lane for those who never felt accepted. Our brand is for those who not only use fashion as an way of expression but also as an weapon. A weapon that neutralizes hate, doubt and mockery. Alpha, the brand of those who never gave up. Remember, the sun always shines brighter for those who come from the bottom.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you AYR.
Our believes
Quality over quantity. The quality is the main focus when it comes to the product/ service AYR. Our goal is to create timeless pieces and to Delivery 15-20 tighten the gap even further between streetwear and haute couture. Alpha Young Royalty stands for learning and uplifting, we’d like to give this feeling in every peace that leaves our studio.